AI Weekly Scoop 03/17 📰

Greeting :labelbox_white: Community :wave:,

March 17st 2024, Here are the top news in the AI world this week, as always If we’ve skipped over something important, give us a shout! And don’t forget to cast your vote for the news story that caught your eye the most.

  1. xAI will open source Grok this week

Elon Musk recently announced that his artificial intelligence company, xAI, will open-source its chatbot Grok this week. This move comes shortly after Musk filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, another AI research company, for allegedly deviating from its open-source roots. By open-sourcing Grok, xAI will allow anyone to study and utilize its code, potentially fostering greater collaboration and innovation in the AI community.

  1. Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law

The European Parliament recently adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), a landmark legislation that establishes a comprehensive legal framework for AI. This law aims to set EU-wide rules on data quality, transparency, human oversight, and accountability. The AI Act, which is expected to enter into force in May or June 2024, is considered the world’s first horizontal legal framework for AI and is expected to significantly impact businesses operating in the European Union.

  1. Introducing Devin, the first AI software engineer

Cognition Labs presents Devin, an AI model with advanced long-term reasoning and planning capabilities. Devin is designed to tackle intricate engineering tasks involving numerous decisions while maintaining context, learning from past experiences, and self-correcting to ensure ongoing enhancement.

To enhance its capabilities, Devin has been equipped with essential developer tools such as a shell, code editor, and browser, all within a secure sandboxed compute environment. This comprehensive toolset allows Devin to perform tasks as efficiently as a human developer.

In addition, Devin has been designed to actively collaborate with users in real-time. It provides progress updates, accepts feedback, and engages users in making design choices, fostering a productive and interactive working relationship between the AI and its human counterparts.

  1. Google DeepMind trains a video game-playing AI to be your co-op companion

Google’s DeepMind has developed a new AI model that excels at playing cooperative video games, acting as a helpful companion to human players. The AI is designed to learn and adapt to the behavior of its human teammates, enabling it to provide effective support and collaborate on tasks within the game environment. This breakthrough represents a significant step forward in the development of AI systems that can work alongside humans in virtual environments, potentially leading to applications beyond gaming, such as collaborative problem-solving and cooperative task completion in various domains.

Question of the week : Do you play video game? how do you think the video game industry can benefit from AI?

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