Alignerr FAQs 🚀 : Please Read Before Posting

👥 Who are Alignerrs?

Alignerrs are skilled freelance professionals who play a vital role in shaping the future of Generative AI. :brain::computer: By leveraging their unique expertise, they contribute to the development of high-quality data and perform essential evaluations of AI models, driving advancements in the field. :star2:

🎯 What is the purpose of Alignerrs work?

Alignerr projects are focused on optimizing AI models for increased safety, dependability, and precision. :shield::mag: As a contributor, you’ll work closely with state-of-the-art generative AI models, helping them to refine their abilities in areas such as coding, data science, math, chemistry, and creative writing. :desktop_computer::bar_chart::test_tube::writing_hand: Your projects will often involve tackling unique challenges and engaging with the models as they develop their learning capabilities. :jigsaw::rocket: Depending on your specific skills and knowledge, you’ll work on a variety of projects that may include generating training data to boost model performance or assessing the effectiveness of the models themselves. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

📝 What does the application process look like?

We evaluate your resume and identify if you meet the minimum qualifications. :page_facing_up::white_check_mark: We’ll administer an assessment(s) to determine your suitability to become an Alignerr in the domain you’ve applied for. :face_with_monocle::trophy: Once your application has been approved, we’ll reach out to you to begin the onboarding process. :tada:

🚀 What does the onboarding process look like?

Our onboarding process includes training to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge for project success. :mortar_board::muscle: Afterward, you’ll join our community where a designated leader will guide you through the onboarding process and help you understand how to make valuable contributions to various projects. :handshake::star2:Important to note here, that depending on the demand you may experience delay to get allocated to a project. :hourglass_flowing_sand:

🔒 How safe is my personal data?

As a security measure to maintain a secure platform and deter unauthorized individuals, we ask our contributors to submit their identification. :shield::id: We adhere to strict privacy policies for storing information. :scroll: For further details, please refer to our Terms of Use. :bar_chart:

⏰ How much time should I expect to work?

Alignerrs enjoy flexible schedules, with some working between 5-10 hours per week, while others work up to 40 hours per week based on their availability. :clock3::briefcase: Your earnings are directly proportional to the number of hours you put in each week, and there are no minimum or maximum hourly limits. :moneybag: You have complete control over your workload. :control_knobs: Please note that the availability of work may vary depending on demand. :bar_chart: Additionally, in situations with tight deadlines, work assignments may be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

💰 When do I get paid?

We pay Alignerrs on a weekly basis. :date: Our pay periods begin on Mondays and conclude on Sundays. You’ll receive your payment on the following Friday. :bank: For your convenience, direct deposit is set up through, ensuring prompt and secure transactions. :credit_card:

⏱️ How is time calculated? What about work outside of Labelbox?

Labelbox utilizes an integrated timer to accurately track your work hours. :timer_clock: This timer automatically reports your time to, guaranteeing precise payment for your efforts. :bar_chart: For your protection, the timer will automatically pause after 5 minutes of inactivity in the editor. :stop_sign: Please note that only time recorded by this timer is counted for payment, so be sure to use it for all your Labelbox-related tasks. :briefcase:

🤝 How is Alignerr associated with Labelbox?

Alignerr is a product built by Labelbox for you to contribute aligning generative AI models and get paid. :bulb::moneybag: You will be using the best in class annotation platform developed by Labelbox :labelbox_white: .

📧 What should I do if I don't receive the Slack or Labelbox invites?

If you’ve completed your onboarding process (including background check, Deel registration, and Labelbox training) but haven’t received your credentials for Slack and/or Labelbox, please follow these steps:

  1. :mailbox_with_mail: Check your email inbox thoroughly
  2. :male_detective: Don’t forget to look in your spam or junk folders
  3. :hourglass_flowing_sand: Be patient - due to high volumes, there may be delays in credential delivery

Remember, we’re processing many candidates, so some waiting time is normal. If you’ve waited a reasonable time and still haven’t received your invites, feel free to reach out for assistance. :sos::briefcase:

✈️ Can I apply for a role if I am currently on vacation or traveling outside my country of residence?

:white_check_mark: Yes, you can apply for a role while travelling. However, you must be in the country you applied from and have the necessary work permit(s) to start working on projects. If you are on vacation outside of your country of residence, you need to wait until you return to begin working on new projects. :house:

🔄 Can I retake the assessment if I'm not satisfied with my score?

:no_entry_sign: Currently, retaking assessments is not supported. We may help this in future.
:bell: Please check the website and emails from Alignerr regularly for updates on this feature.

📚 Assessment type availability

We consistently evaluate our project partners’ requirements and adjust our assessment availability to ensure it reflects the most up-to-date demand.
This means previously available assessment may no longer visible, this is to be expected.

🚀 When will I get added to a new project to start working?

:bar_chart: Project assignments are based on your readiness and assessment scores. Whenever a new project becomes available, you’ll receive a notification in Slack containing project details and the pay rate. You have the option to accept or decline the project. :+1::-1:

❓ Why do I see skipped labels in my project when I didn't skip any?

Don’t worry if you notice skipped labels that you don’t remember skipping - there’s a simple explanation:

:arrows_counterclockwise: We use calibration projects across multiple candidates
:bar_chart: This means you might see statistics that don’t reflect your personal work
:white_check_mark: It’s completely normal and not a cause for concern

Rest assured, this doesn’t impact your individual performance or evaluation. It’s just part of our quality control process to ensure consistency across all Alignerrs. :trophy::+1:

Thinking of leaving Alignerr? 😭

We’d love to have you with us forever, but we understand that’s not always possible. If you decide to leave, you can delete your account and terminate your contract with us through the Alignerr app by selecting ‘Delete Account.’ Please note that this action is irreversible, so make sure you’re absolutely certain before proceeding.

How do I get support? 🆘
  • :lady_beetle: If you find a defect, you can reach out to us via the Alignerr App (bottom right corner)

  • :books: Or refer to our Knowledge base:


What an amazing topic @ptancre!
It helped me understand everything so much better. I always see you responding to everyone with such attention and willingness, and I’m grateful for how you organize and clarify the information. Today I started working on my first project, and I couldn’t be happier to be part of this team.
It’s been an incredible experience! I will show my gratitude for this opportunity by dedicating myself fully to delivering the highest quality work possible.
Thank you.