This is my code to upload annotations for for a new labeling project “Test2” which has images uploaded to it. The ontology is ‘canned goods’ and the class is ‘Argentina corned beef’.
I am using GroundingDINO to do some pre-labeling, when I plot it with supervision (roboflow) the boxes do show up.
import labelbox as lb
from labelbox import Client, LabelingFrontend, OntologyBuilder, Project
import as lb_types
from labelbox.schema.ontology import OntologyBuilder, Tool, Classification
from labelbox.schema.annotation_import import MALPredictionImport
# Create a subfolder for the current SKU
sku = run_skus[0]
subfolder_path = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR_PATH, sku)
os.makedirs(subfolder_path, exist_ok=True)
# List to store the Labelbox formatted data
labelbox_annotations = []
box_annotations = []
# Loop through each image, run predictions, and format for Labelbox
for img_path in image_paths:
# Load the image
image = cv2.imread(img_path)
# Detect objects
detections = grounding_dino_model.predict_with_classes(
# Convert detections to Labelbox format
for detection in detections:
# get the bounding box and confidence
bbox = detection[0]
confidence = detection[1]
# Use just the filename as the global_key
filename = os.path.basename(img_path)
# Create an ObjectAnnotation for each detection
bbox_annotation = lb_types.ObjectAnnotation(
start=lb_types.Point(x=int(bbox[0]), y=int(bbox[1])),
end=lb_types.Point(x=int(bbox[2]), y=int(bbox[3]))
# Append the annotation to the list
lb_types.Label(data=lb_types.ImageData(global_key=filename), annotations=[bbox_annotation])
# Upload the annotations to Labelbox
upload_job = lb.MALPredictionImport.create_from_objects(
# Get the project by its name (assuming you've already created it on Labelbox)
project_name = "Test2"
project = next(client.get_projects( == project_name))
# Upload the annotations to Labelbox
upload_job = lb.MALPredictionImport.create_from_objects(
labelbox_annotations[-3:] looks like
[Label(uid=None, data=ImageData(im_bytes=None,file_path=None,url=None,arr=None), annotations=[ObjectAnnotation(confidence=0.2374183088541031, name='Argentina corned beef', feature_schema_id=None, extra={}, value=Rectangle(extra={}, start=Point(extra={}, x=1977.0, y=977.0), end=Point(extra={}, x=2274.0, y=1450.0)), classifications=[])], extra={}),
Label(uid=None, data=ImageData(im_bytes=None,file_path=None,url=None,arr=None), annotations=[ObjectAnnotation(confidence=0.1572323888540268, name='Argentina corned beef', feature_schema_id=None, extra={}, value=Rectangle(extra={}, start=Point(extra={}, x=1974.0, y=758.0), end=Point(extra={}, x=2267.0, y=1027.0)), classifications=[])], extra={}),
Label(uid=None, data=ImageData(im_bytes=None,file_path=None,url=None,arr=None), annotations=[ObjectAnnotation(confidence=0.16410909593105316, name='Argentina corned beef', feature_schema_id=None, extra={}, value=Rectangle(extra={}, start=Point(extra={}, x=2005.0, y=523.0), end=Point(extra={}, x=2283.0, y=831.0)), classifications=[])], extra={})]
For ref. detections looks like:
Detections(xyxy=array([[1463.5146 , 479.05798 , 2296.8342 , 1460.3906 ], [1501.7441 , 995.58765 , 1987.998 , 1433.1663 ], [1468.9159 , 747.9865 , 1941.9889 , 1110.7316 ], [ 19.76123 , 54.78015 , 4135.61 , 2656.079 ], [ 22.023193, 43.441895, 4134.799 , 3043.9595 ], [ 13.544434, 2586.5571 , 4145.923 , 3043.7246 ], [ 12.916138, 2585.3928 , 2277.3843 , 3026.8557 ], [2280.704 , 2621.322 , 4144.2935 , 3034.153 ], [1731.3396 , 483.58582 , 2003.3721 , 917.5128 ], [1977.0553 , 977.9269 , 2274.1853 , 1450.3502 ], [1974.5818 , 758.5367 , 2267.9158 , 1027.406 ], [2005.4254 , 523.9257 , 2283.1843 , 831.9123 ]], dtype=float32), class_id=array([None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], dtype=object), confidence=array([0.7441298 , 0.34596214, 0.29213998, 0.2530078 , 0.3171391 , 0.28089854, 0.20802084, 0.23411071, 0.17634948, 0.23741831, 0.15723239, 0.1641091 ], dtype=float32), tracker_id=None)
On the labelbox UI I go to Annotate - Test2 - Automation - my import has been uploading for really long and it’s a very small set of annotations and images. I have confirmed the global_key (i.e. image file id) is the same on label box as in the labelbox_annotations.