Hi, i have big problem to setup my ground truth, first i used my labelbox data to build( train ) mask rcnn model that detect human body muscle, we know that each muscle have complex shape and when i want to use this trained model for new dataset to setup ground truth project, i dont know how set my mask parameter.
in the ground truth documentو Shown in a line that we have to attach our annotation like:
annotations = {
'externalId1': [
'bbox': [10, 10, 50, 50], # x,y,h,w
"class": 'dog'
i also know the mask annotation type is like:
name = "mask",
value = Mask(mask=MaskData(arr=np_mask), color=color),
but how can i use this when i have multi complex shape like stomache,shoulder…? maybee i have 8-20 object in one input image.
also i used mask rcnn of coco data, how can i assign my stimated object for mask labelbox type? my model output parameters are:
image_meta, gt_class_id, gt_bbox, gt_mask
here is my output of stimated mask:
i just need to upload my mask annotation but coco gt_mask is boolian array like what i attached here…what can i do and how can i run ground truth for this objects and this model?