Confusing error in code that used to (few months ago) execute fine

Task coq9r4z9w0701018bm2pibcmf failed: [{
'message': "The URI scheme 'null' is not allowed, '[http, https, gs]' only (code: f80c170e-b95a-448c-937e-965aa29c3386)", 
'failedDataRows': [{'externalId': None, 'rowData': 'gs:/ml_cam_data/video_datasets/folder1/160546_8_16.mp4', 'globalKey': '#160546 / ec-16-8 / 1552009 / 1552049', 'metadata': [], 'attachments': [{'type': 'TEXT_URL', 'value': 'gs:/ml_cam_data/custom_videos/folder2/160546_8_16.json', 'name': None}]}]

Confused because I am using gs URI scheme, do I have to specify it in some other way?
This used to not happen, and my input objects have remained the same. Mind pointing me in the right direction? Thanks!

Resolved it. You guys must have changed something on your end, but using gs:// gets past this.

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