I am using MAL this week and learning how to use it.
Today, I updated the detectron2 model with labels and tried to upload it to my project.
MAL looks appropriately uploaded, but when I get back to labeling, I see the error like the title.
It not only cannot load MAL pre-annotation, but also it seems it has trouble loading data rows properly.
The error still happens with MAL disabled and deleted.
Can you share the annotation mask example?
(It might be an issue with the annotation mask, perhaps the color specified is incorrect or the shape is too complex)
Hi @GuuintheHaus, in the screenshot above, the error is caused because the model prediction (using model-assisted labeling workflow) on that data row is unable to be converted to a pre-label. We convert model predictions to pre-label at the time of labeling session.
If you are able to reproduce this issue, i recommend that you reach out to Labelbox support so that they can gather logs for additional debugging. Customer support