I’m a beginner to labelbox (and also relatively new to using python…). I have a labelled data set in labelbox, and I would like to use the labelled data set to train a model to label input images (and then export this model for use in python). I apologise for the long question but what are the steps for me to do so? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Hey @jschull,
Given you have labeled data, you just need to create a model, a model run (iteration) and allocate the linked ontology, data rows (asset) and then labels.
import labelbox as lb
client = lb.Client(api_key=API_KEY)
#retrieve the ontology you need to link
ontology = client.get_ontology("<ONTOLOGY_UID>")
# create Model (name has to be unique)
model = client.create_model(name="My_first_Labelbox_Model", ontology_id=ontology.uid)
# create Model Run (has to be unique)
model_run = model.create_model_run("iteration 1")
#link the data rows, here I will source them from a project
project = client.get_project("<PROJECT_UID>")
#retrieve the data rows from a your project
data_rows = [dr for b in project.batches() for dr in b.export_data_rows()]
#allocate the data rows to your model run
allocate_data_rows = model_run.upsert_data_rows(data_rows)
#add the label to your model run
model_label_import = model_run.upsert_labels(project_id="<PROJECT_UID>")
#Your model prediction
#import your prediction to your model run (name has to be unique per import)
upload_job_prediction = model_run.add_predictions(
- API_KEY can be obtained from : Create an API key
- All other ids can be retrieved from Labelbox directly : Customer support
- Prediction (predictions) format (depending on data type) are documented here : https://github.com/Labelbox/labelbox-python/tree/b6ded55eaf313bd4c995cc86277a6290be10766c/examples/prediction_upload
Finally I encourage you to use our documentation for further details : https://docs.labelbox.com/
Our SDK documentation can be found here : Labelbox Python API reference — Python SDK reference 3.49.1 documentation