How to: Convert export_v2 JSON to COCO format

Hi to all community members!

Labelbox offers powerful tools for data labeling, including the export_v2 format which provides comprehensive annotations for your images. However, if you’re aiming to integrate your labeled data with other frameworks or tools, you might find yourself needing to convert your Labelbox export_v2 format to COCO format.

The COCO (Common Objects in Context) format is widely used in the computer vision community and is supported by various deep learning frameworks. Converting your Labelbox export_v2 to COCO format can enable seamless integration with these frameworks and tools.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on importing a datarow, sending it to a project, labeling it and then converting the labels to a COCO format (If you already have a project and annotations ready to export jump ahead past step #6):

  1. We are first going to setup a project with some basic bounding box annotations with the following code:
import uuid
from PIL import Image
import requests
import base64
import labelbox as lb
import labelbox.types as lb_types
from io import BytesIO

api_key =""
client = lb.Client(api_key)

# Python Bounding_Box Annotation
bbox_annotation = lb_types.ObjectAnnotation(
    name="bounding_box",  # must match your ontology feature"s name
        start=lb_types.Point(x=1690, y=977),  #  x = left, y = top
        end=lb_types.Point(x=1915, y=1307),  # x= left + width , y = top + height

global_key = "2560px-Kitano_Street_Kobe01s5s4110.jpeg"

test_img_url = {

dataset = client.create_dataset(name="coco-demo-converter")
task = dataset.create_data_rows([test_img_url])

print(f"Failed data rows: {task.failed_data_rows}")
print(f"Errors: {task.errors}")

if task.errors:
    for error in task.errors:
        if 'Duplicate global key' in error['message'] and dataset.row_count == 0:
            # If the global key already  exists in the workspace the dataset will be created empty, so we can delete it.
            print(f"Deleting empty dataset: {dataset}")
  1. Then we make the Ontology: In this case we will just include a bounding box
object_features = [

ontology_builder = lb.OntologyBuilder(

ontology = client.create_ontology("coco-demo-ontology",
  1. We will then setup the project for our new image and bounding box annotations:
project = client.create_project(name="coco-demo-project",

  1. We will then send a batch to the project:
batch = project.create_batch(
    "coco-demo-batch",  # each batch in a project must have a unique name
    ],  # paginated collection of data row objects, list of data row ids or global keys
    priority=1  # priority between 1(highest) - 5(lowest)

print(f"Batch: {batch}")
  1. Then we will put together the annotations payload to send to our project:
label = []
annotations = [

  1. We then upload our bounding box annotations to the project:
# upload labels for this data row in project
upload_job = lb.MALPredictionImport.create_from_objects(
    name="coco-demo-mal_job" + str(uuid.uuid4()),

print(f"Errors: {upload_job.errors}")
print(f"Status of uploads: {upload_job.statuses}")

*** If you already have a project with labels that you want to convert to COCO format you can start here!)

At this point we should now have a fully defined project with annotations and an example image to now export and convert into COCO format

Below you will find a fully functioning script that you could use in a notebook or your own python file. Once you have decided that, you can then input your api_key and project_id (you’ll find the code at the bottom) and have your newly converted coco annotation file!

from labelbox import Client
import urllib.request
import argparse
import copy
import json
import datetime
import requests
from PIL import Image 
import numpy as np
from io import BytesIO
from tqdm import tqdm
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import cv2

def index_ontology(ontology_normalized, export_type="index"):
  """ Given an ontology, returns a dictionary where {key=featureSchemaid : values = {"name", "color", "type", "kind", "parent_featureSchemaIds", "encoded_value"} for each feature in the ontology
    ontology_normalized   :   Queried from a project using project.ontology().normalized
    Dictionary with key information on each node in an ontology, where {key=featureSchemaid : values = {"name", "color", "type", "kind", "parent_featureSchemaIds", "encoded_value"}
  feature_map = {}
  tools = ontology_normalized["tools"]
  classifications = ontology_normalized["classifications"]
  if tools:
        results = layer_iterator(feature_map=feature_map, node_layer=tools)
        feature_map = results[0]
  if classifications:
        feature_map = layer_iterator(feature_map=feature_map, node_layer=classifications, encoded_value=results[2], parent_featureSchemaIds=[], parent_featureSchemaId = False)[0]
  return feature_map

def layer_iterator(feature_map, node_layer, encoded_value=0, parent_featureSchemaIds=[], parent_featureSchemaId=False):
    """ Receives a normalized ontology layer (list of dictionaries) and for each dictionary (node), pulls key information where they key=featureSchemaid
        Then if a given node has another layer, recursively call this function to loop through all the nested layers of the ontoology node dictionary
        feature_map (dict)              :   Building dictinoary where key=featureSchemaid
        node_layer (list)               :   List of ontology node dictionaries to loop through
        encoded_value (int)             :   Each dictionary gets an encoded value, and this increases by one each ontology node dictionary read into the feature_map
        parent_featureSchemaIds (list)  :   For a given ontology node dictionary, a list of parent featureSchemaid strings
        parent_featureSchemaId (str)    :   The immediate parent ontology node dictionary featureSchemaid
        The same input arguments, only with updated values for feature_map and encoded_value
    if parent_featureSchemaId:
    parent_featureSchemaId = ""
    for node in node_layer:
        encoded_value += 1
        color = ""
        if "tool" in node.keys():
            node_type = node["tool"]
            node_kind = "tool"
            node_name = node["name"]
            next_layer = node["classifications"]
            color = node['color']
        elif "instructions" in node.keys():
            node_name = node["instructions"]
            node_kind = "classification"
            node_type = node["type"]
            next_layer = node["options"]
            node_name = node["label"]
            node_kind = "option"
            if "options" in node.keys():
                next_layer = node["options"]
                node_type = "branch_option"
                next_layer = []
                node_type = "leaf_option"
        node_dict = { node['featureSchemaId'] : {"name" : node_name, "color" : color, "type" : node_type, "kind" : node_kind, "parent_featureSchemaIds" : parent_featureSchemaIds, "encoded_value" : encoded_value}}
        if next_layer:
            feature_map, next_layer, encoded_value, parent_featureSchemaIds, parent_featureSchemaId = layer_iterator(
        parent_featureSchemaIds = parent_featureSchemaIds[:-1]
    return feature_map, next_layer, encoded_value, parent_featureSchemaIds, parent_featureSchemaId

def coco_bbox_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id): # was data_row_idx
    """ Given a label dictionary and a bounding box annotation from said label, will return the coco-converted bounding box annotation dictionary
        data_row_id (str)               :     Labelbox Data Row ID for this label
        annotation (dict)               :     Annotation dictionary from label['Label']['objects'], which comes from project.export_labels()
        category_id (str)               :     Desired category_id for the coco_annotation
        An annotation dictionary in the COCO format
    coco_annotation = {
        "image_id": data_row_id,
        "bbox": [
        "category_id": str(category_id),
        "id": annotation['feature_id']
    return coco_annotation

def coco_line_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id):
    """ Given a label dictionary and a line annotation from said label, will return the coco-converted line annotation dictionary
        data_row_id (str)               :     Labelbox Data Row ID for this label
        annotation (dict)               :     Annotation dictionary from label['Label']['objects'], which comes from project.export_labels()
        category_id (str)               :     Desired category_id for the coco_annotation
        An annotation dictionary in the COCO format
    line = annotation['line']
    coco_line = []
    num_line_keypoints = 0
    for coordinates in line:
        num_line_keypoints += 1
    coco_annotation = {
        "image_id": str(data_row_id),
        "keypoints": coco_line,
        "num_keypoints": str(num_line_keypoints),
        "category_id" : str(category_id),
        "id": str(annotation['feature_id'])
    return coco_annotation, num_line_keypoints

def coco_point_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id):
    """ Given a label dictionary and a point annotation from said label, will return the coco-converted point annotation dictionary
        data_row_id (str)               :     Labelbox Data Row ID for this label
        annotation (dict)               :     Annotation dictionary from label['Label']['objects'], which comes from project.export_labels()
        category_id (str)               :     Desired category_id for the coco_annotation
        An annotation dictionary in the COCO format
    coco_annotation = {
        "image_id": str(data_row_id),
        "keypoints": [str(annotation['point']['x']), str(annotation['point']['y']), "2"],
        "num_keypoints": str(1),
        "category_id" : str(category_id),
        "id": str(annotation['feature_id'])
    return coco_annotation

def coco_polygon_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id):
    """Given a label dictionary and a point annotation from said label, will return the coco-converted polygon annotation dictionary
        data_row_id (str)               :     Labelbox Data Row ID for this label
        annotation (dict)               :     Annotation dictionary from label['Label']['objects'], which comes from project.export_labels()
        category_id (str)               :     Desired category_id for the coco_annotation
        An annotation dictionary in the COCO format
    all_points = []
    points_as_coords = []
    for coord in annotation['polygon']:
        points_as_coords.append([coord['x'], coord['y']])
    polygon = Polygon(points_as_coords)
    coco_annotation = {
        "image_id" : data_row_id, "segmentation" : all_points,
        "bbox" : [
            str(polygon.bounds[0]), str(polygon.bounds[1]),
        "area" : str(polygon.area), "id": str(annotation['feature_id']),
        "iscrowd" : "0", "category_id" : str(category_id)
    return coco_annotation

def download_mask(url, headers = None):
    """ Downloads a mask URL
        url (dict)       :     URL of a mask
        A 2-D numPy array of said mask
    payload = requests.get(url, headers = client.headers)
    pil_image =

    # Convert the image to grayscale if it's not already
    if pil_image.mode != 'L':
        pil_image = pil_image.convert('L')

    # Convert the image to a NumPy array
    np_array = np.array(pil_image)
    downloaded = True

    return np_array

def coco_mask_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id):
    """Given a label dictionary and a mask annotation from said label, will return the coco-converted segmentation mask annotation dictionary
        data_row_id (str)               :     Labelbox Data Row ID for this label
        annotation (dict)               :     Annotation dictionary from label['Label']['objects'], which comes from project.export_labels()
        category_id (str)               :     Desired category_id for the coco_annotation
        An annotation dictionary in the COCO format
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(download_mask(annotation['mask']['url']), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    all_points = []
    points_as_coords = []
    for contour in contours:
        contour = contour.flatten().tolist()
        if len(contour) >= 6:
            for i in range(0, len(contour), 2):
                points_as_coords.append([contour[i], contour[i+1]])
    polygon = Polygon(points_as_coords)
    coco_annotation = {
        "image_id" : data_row_id, "segmentation" : all_points,
        "bbox" : [
            str(polygon.bounds[0]), str(polygon.bounds[1]),
        "area" : str(polygon.area), "id": str(annotation['feature_id']),
        "iscrowd" : "0", "category_id" : str(category_id)
    return coco_annotation

def coco_annotation_converter(data_row_id, annotation, ontology_index):
    """ Wrapper to triage and multithread the coco annotation conversion - if nested classes exist, the category_id will be the first radio/checklist classification answer available
        data_row_id (str)               :     Labelbox Data Row ID for this label
        annotation (dict)               :     Annotation dictionary from label["projects"][project_id]['labels']['annotations']['objects'], which comes from project.export_labels()
        ontology_index (dict)           :     A dictionary where {key=featureSchemaId : value = {"encoded_value"} which corresponds to category_id
        A dictionary corresponding to the coco annotation syntax - the category ID used will be the top-level tool
    max_line_keypoints = 0
    category_id = ontology_index[annotation['feature_schema_id']]['encoded_value']
    if "classifications" in annotation.keys():
        if annotation['classifications']:
            for classification in annotation['classifications']:
                if 'answer' in classification.keys():
                    if type(classification['answer']) == dict:
                        category_id = ontology_index[classification['schemaId']]['encoded_value']
                    category_id = ontology_index[classification['answers'][0]['schemaId']]['encoded_value']
    if "bounding_box" in annotation.keys():
        coco_annotation = coco_bbox_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id)
    elif "line" in annotation.keys():
        coco_annotation, max_line_keypoints = coco_line_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id)
    elif "point" in annotation.keys():
        coco_annotation = coco_point_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id)
    elif "polygon" in annotation.keys():
        coco_annotation = coco_polygon_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id)
        coco_annotation = coco_mask_converter(data_row_id, annotation, category_id)
    return coco_annotation, max_line_keypoints

def coco_converter(project, project_id):
    """ Given a project and a list of labels, will create the COCO export json
        project (labelbox.schema.project.Project)   :   Labelbox project object

    export_params= {
        "label_details": True,

    filters= {
        "last_activity_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"],
        "label_created_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"],
        "workflow_status": "Done"

    labels_list = project.export_v2(params=export_params, filters=filters)
    labels_list = labels_list.result

    # Info section generated from project information
    info = {
        'description' :,
        'url' : f'{project.uid}/overview',
        'version' : "1.0",  'year' :,
        'contributor' : project.created_by().email,
        'date_created' :'%Y/%m/%d'),
    # Licenses section is left empty

    licenses = [ { "url" : "N/A", "id" : 1, "name" : "N/A" } ]

    # Create a dictionary where {key=data_row_id : value=data_row}

    # subsets = list(project.batches()) if len(list(project.batches())) > 0 else list(project.datasets())
    # for subset in subsets:
    #     for data_row in subset.export_data_rows():
    #         data_rows.update({data_row.uid : data_row})

    data_rows = {}
    print(f'Exporting Data Rows from Project...')
    for label in labels_list:
        data_row = label["data_row"]
        data_rows.update({data_row["id"] : data_row["row_data"]})
    print(f'\nExport complete. {len(data_rows)} Data Rows Exported')
    # Images section generated from data row export
    print(f'\nConverting Data Rows into a COCO Dataset...\n')

    images = []
    data_row_check = [] # This is a check for projects where one data row has multiple labels (consensus, benchmark)
    for label in tqdm(labels_list):
        data_row = label["data_row"]
        if data_row['id'] not in data_row_check:
                "license" : 1, "file_name" : data_row["global_key"],
                "height" : label["media_attributes"]['height'], 
                "width" : label["media_attributes"]['width'],
                "date_captured" : label["projects"][project_id]["labels"][0]["label_details"]["created_at"], # data_row.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
                "id" : data_row["id"], "coco_url": data_row["row_data"]
    print(f'\nData Rows Converted into a COCO Dataset.')  

    annotations = []

    print(f'\nConverting Annotations into the COCO Format...\n')
    ontology_index = index_ontology(project.ontology().normalized) 
    global_max_keypoints = 0
    futures = []
    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as exc:
        for label in labels_list:
            idx = 0
            for annotation in label["projects"][project_id]['labels'][idx]['annotations']['objects']:
                futures.append(exc.submit(coco_annotation_converter, label["data_row"]['id'], annotation, ontology_index))
            idx += 1
        for f in tqdm(as_completed(futures)):
            res = f.result()
            if int(res[1]) > global_max_keypoints:
                global_max_keypoints = int(copy.deepcopy(res[1]))
    print(f'\nAnnotation Conversion Complete. Converted {len(annotations)} annotations into the COCO Format.') 

    categories = []

    print(f'\nConverting the Ontology into the COCO Dataset Format...') 
    for featureSchemaId in ontology_index:
        if ontology_index[featureSchemaId]["type"] == "line": 
            keypoints = []
            skeleton = []
            for i in range(0, global_max_keypoints): 
                skeleton.append([str(i), str(i+1)])
                "supercategory" : ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['name'],
                "id" : str(ontology_index[featureSchemaId]["encoded_value"]),
                "name" : ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['name'],
                "keypoints" : keypoints,
                "skeleton" : skeleton,
        elif ontology_index[featureSchemaId]["type"] == "point": 
                "supercategory" : ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['name'],
                "id" : str(ontology_index[featureSchemaId]["encoded_value"]),
                "name" : ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['name'],
                "keypoints" : ['point'],
                "skeleton" : ["0", "0"],
        elif ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['kind'] == 'tool':
                "supercategory" : ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['name'],
                "id" : str(ontology_index[featureSchemaId]["encoded_value"]),
                "name" : ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['name']
        elif len(ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['parent_featureSchemaIds']) == 2:
            supercategory = ontology_index[ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['parent_featureSchemaIds'][0]]['name']
                "supercategory" : supercategory,
                "id" : str(ontology_index[featureSchemaId]["encoded_value"]),
                "name" : ontology_index[featureSchemaId]['name']
    print(f'\nOntology Conversion Complete')  

    coco_dataset = {
        "info" : info,
        "licenses" : licenses,
        "images" : images,
        "annotations" : annotations,
        "categories" : categories

    print(f'\nCOCO Conversion Complete')    
    return coco_dataset

You will then need to add your api_key and project_id, then run the coco_converter() function. Feel free to add this code to the above script at the end

api_key = ""
project_id = ""

coco_dataset = coco_converter(Client(api_key).get_project(project_id), project_id)

This will continually be updated with current methods and exports that Labelbox is using. We will also have an update to this post to include a link to a Colab notebook that will walk you through each method of the script. (UPDATE: Link to Colab notebook)

Overall converting your Labelbox export_v2 data to COCO format opens up a world of possibilities for integrating your labeled data with various frameworks and tools.

We hope this guide proves helpful in your data labeling journey. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy labeling!

Best regards,
Mina Ebeid

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