Having a never-ending loop when trying to label pictures


I am pressing the “Start labeling” button and this pop-up shows. If I click on my email it keeps redirecting me to the same thing. Can you please help me?
Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 18.40.38

Hi @andrei_axente ,

What is your project id, please? It is available in the URL of your project (ex: https://app.labelbox.com/projects/clltyrxxg0aaq070ihehqadao/overview, project id: clltyrxxg0aaq070ihehqadao).

Best regards,
Paul N
Labelbox Support

Hi @PaulN,

The project’s ID is clna4i8nj1s9f072xcgl408f0

Thank you!

Hi @andrei_axente,

I can’t seem to be able to reproduce the behaviour. Can you confirm that you are still seeing the problem, please?

Best regards,
Paul N
Labelbox Support