Exporting labels does not contain text labels

My schema for labelling videos contains a point annotation. Within the point annotation are 2 subclassifications: one is a radio input and the other is a text input. Both are not required. However, after labelling some data and then exporting the labels into the ndjson file, the radio inputs show up but the text inputs do not.

When I only label the text subclassification and leave the radio subclassification empty, in the ndjson file, the value under the “classifications” field is just an empty list.

Hey, @my.yang

Could you provide the label id, so we can have a look please?

Hi @ptancre, thanks for your reply. Is this the label id you’re talking about?


If it’s something else, please let me know, thanks!

Would you be able to provide this?


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Did you add the text sub classification after you started labeling?

Nevermind, I managed to reproduce it on my end. I will check internally.

@my.yang Should be sorted, let me know.

@ptancre It’s showing up now, thank you for your help!

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Hi @ptancre Could you kindly help me with the same problem? It’s associated with my other account xingyuf2@seas.upenn.edu and example project ID: Labelbox

Hey @fxylyly ,

Can you give it a go, should be good now!

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Thank you so much!! It works now!!

Hi @ptancre It appears that I am encountering a similar issue as previously discussed, I would greatly appreciate if you could help me with the problem. It’s associated with my account ding.ning@nitech.ac.jp and project ID: Labelbox

Hi @Ning-Ding, you should be good now, any issue let me know.

It works now! Thanks so much!

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