I’m running Ubuntu 20.04 using Chrome 113.0.5672.126-1. I don’t see any editor tools drawing tools for creating annotations, just the positioning hand.
What am I missing here ?
Hi @espressobot ,
What modality are you using (Image, video, text, else?) how have you configured your ontology (tools)?
if you could provide a screenshot/gif of the issue it could help.
Many thanks,
Labelbox Support
Hi, this is a Image modality. Yes, I have an ontology set up.
This is my first time using LabelBox, coming from using CVAT, Roboflow and others.
I followed the intro tutorial, set up an ontology and got the “Great, Click to start labeling!” dialog and got the following(screenshot below).
I don’t see any indication of tools or hints/tooltips about where I can find the tools. I tried using the keyboard shortcuts and that didn’t do anything either.
Yes, tools cannot be added via the editor you would need to edit your Ontology :
→ Settings → Label editor → Edit
Then choose the tool(s), name and color you need press on the tick and save your ontology.
I would strongly advise against changing an Ontology for ongoing project this could have unexpected effect (doc ref : Ontologies) .
Many thanks,
Labelbox Support
Ah, okay. Somehow I missed that when setting up my ontology.
I’ve got a polygon tool working for my current dataset.
I ran into the same thing. I was particularly confusing because I had added an ontology, I added an object with “Segmentation”. Then in the label editor all it says is “the raster segmentation tool is not supported by the image editor”.
Not a good start.
Hey @saulzar ,
Are you still able to reproduce this issue? I would be interested to help out, if you can provide the project id or any references I can look further into.
Many thanks,
Hey @saulzar - welcome to the Labelbox community. One thing to mention here about your concern is that depending on the data type, ie PDF, text, image, video, etc, the tools you can use during annotate projects changes.
From my experience, once I understood what tools I could use on what data types, Labelbox either supports all the tools per data type I could ever imagine using, or I could create a data architecture to convert a data type from one type to another before needing a specific tool. For example, most of my raw data starts out as a PDF which is essentially limited to two tools, Classification and Bounding Box. I do all my Classification work upfront, then parse down the PDF using Bounding Box’s. After that I convert all my Bounding Box’s into text (outside of labelbox) and then create new Annotate projects for Text data types that focuses uses a tool for Named Entity Recognition.
Anyway, this is hopefully a chance for you to explore Labelbox and find out how powerful it really is, even if a little ingeniuity is required sometimes. Being that you’re here, I would imagine you’re quite intelligent. If you want to chat our bounce anything off me, feel free to reach out anytime!
Hi there,
It was for this project - all I did was create a new project, open the ontology and add an object of type segmentation.
It seems segmentation has no editor - but polygon does.
I’m just looking around to see what we can use to label accurate segmentation masks. Current labelling tools (in general—not necessarily yours!)—fall down a little bit when it comes to mask accuracy. For example, if objects are occluded, then a single polygon mask can’t capture cut-out pieces, etc. (as you generally can only have one polygon per object).
Thanks @saulzar , just checked the project you have mentioned here, and I can use the tool setup with the segmentation mask with the editor I see when you got the error, curious if you can reproduce it or this was transient?
Many thanks,
Having the exact same problem as above. Cannot find any way to solve it. It’s for a normal jpeg image so expected segmentation to work here.
Hey @luis ,
let me look into it, could you log out and back in again might be a cache issue.
Seems an authentication issue, are allowing cookies in your browser setting?
just in case add this to the exception list :
if the issue persist, let me know.
Logging out and in again solved this and some other issues I was having, thanks a lot!