Annotation classifications using image thumbnails instead of text

Hello, I am trying to discern whether it is possible for users to be prompted with images instead of text when doing annotations of a target image. For example, I would like to create a project ontology where users can select an object from a list of things (i.e., "bird, “deer”, “mouse”). Users will easily recognize these text labels. Then I want there to be a subclassification for specific species, so for example, if the user selected object “bird”, then they will be prompted for another list (e.g., “red eyed virio”, “house wren”, etc.). However, all users will not recognize the species names and be able to match them accordingly. As such, I would like to know whether it is possible to set it up so that the selection list for the subclassification does not only include text, but also a small image next to the text name to help users with the selection (i.e. “house wren” would appear next to a picture of this bird species).

Is this currently possible? Any help is much appreciated!

Hey @thomas.kraft,

Currently adding images to the Ontology panel would not be possible but you can add instructions to help the user doing the labeling to assist :


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Thanks @ptancre for the quick reply! I can probably make this work, though right now on chrome the app crashes repeatedly when I try to upload a pdf file. But I will keep trying.

One follow up question: Is it possible to make the visible instructions responsive to the object selections? In other words, if a user selected “goose” as the object, would it be possible to have a different instructions sheet show up? This doesn’t seem likely to have a totally different file appear, but perhaps with the html code it could automatically shift up or down to make a particular part most visible?

That would be highly experimental, I was thinking linking with the HTML but we generate classes dynamically so I would avoid using our standard class name.

If you reference the value instead you would have more chances, I haven’t experimented too much with PDF, if there are some kind of links (glossary of some sort) there is probably a way to make it work.

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Cool! I think I should be able to get that to work if possible. I’ll try redesigning the pdf in html and give it a shot. Really appreciate the help!

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I would be interested to see your progress, don’t hesitate to share or ask for help if you need!
